Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How I fit it all in...

I have been asked over and over recently how I fit everything in form training, coaching and working Full Time, so I thought that I would give everyone an insight into my standard week in an Ironman build.  Comment where you see fit.

Overall it comes down to time management (which I have finally learnt!) and no really procrastinating ever!

Every day i am in the office until 5pm, so no shortcuts there.

Monday - My favourite day of the week.  Just swim squad in the morning.
Swim squad 6am - 7.30am
           work  8am - 5pm
Monday evenings off

Tuesday - The beginning of  a tough week ahead.
Swim Squad 6am - 7am
Run home from swim approx 40min easy
          work 8am - 5pm
Run 5.15 - 5.45 easy
Bike 6pm - 8pm ish  some intensity

Wednesday - Legs usually starting to feel the pinch at end of this day
Swim Squad 6am - 7am
Run home from squad up to 1 hr easy
Work 8.30am - 5pm
Run Squad 6pm - 7pm or whatever time applicable according to program

Thursday - Sleep in day - love this day!!
Run - 6.30am - whatever program indicates....easy
Work 8am - 5pm
Bike - 6pm - 8pm ish some intensity
Run - 8pm - 8.30pm easy

Friday -  Almost the weekend
Swim squad 6am - 7.30am
Work - 8am - 5pm
Swim Squad - 6pm - 7pm
Run home from swim approx 40mins easy

Saturday - Run 6am - til program says easy
                 Ride - 3-4hrs post run easy
                 PM ride - bike race up to 2.5hrs

Saturday evenings are very non eventful as the body is pretty well stuffed after this day and sleep is high on my list of priorities!

Sunday - Run as program specifies approx 2-3hrs easy
               PM - run approx 1hr easy

Sometimes a sneaky Sunday afternoon nap enters the schedule here.... I usually wake up worse from these naps :(

This training comes with a carefully planned build and getting the body prepared to go through the hours upon hours week in week out.  Without this planning and preparation, I wouldn't be capable of even attempting this as I would either burn out, become sick or injured.

Along with the above I am in regular contact with my athletes, both doing programs for them, training with them or just generally catching up for a coffee.  By having the ability to train with the majority of my athletes gives me a great indication of where they are at and how they cope under certain circumstances

The body gets tired at times, however knowing that I can have a sleep in Thursdays and Sundays makes getting up at 5.15am most mornings possible.

For Now...



  1. hey x-man,
    thanks for the insight, your run home from swim squads how do you go about these?
    ie. do you run with a backpack full of your swim gear? are you leaving your car at swim squad and grabbing after work??

    also, how do you go about fitting in your key meals of breakfast and dinner?? you have minimal time between sessions and getting too and from work?

    presuming you live very close to work also??

    I know I couldn't operate with such little time between sessions and work. ie. I like to cook a decent breakfast to re-fuel after a big session, have a shower and smell / feel ok at work.

    anyway hit me back with some more detail on here or facebook...

    damien rankin

  2. thanks for nothin'sex man

