Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 2...finding some normality

The body is adapting well to the time zone difference with Hawaii being 20hrs behind Melbourne.  I had a great sleep last night and was surprised when the alarm sounded.

This morning I had my first open water swim, was just as amazing as what I remembered it to be from last year.  The water was a little fresh when I first got in, however didn't take long to enjoy what this amazing place has to offer.

30min of an easy continual swim, the arms felt good.  I will still amazed by the sites of the fish below and how beautiful they look.  The water also had some cold patches which were quite refreshing after starting to warm up.  The sun on the back was unfamiliar also but is definitely something that I will get used to.

People who say Qld is perfect, obviously haven't been here!

The swim start, quiet now, will be crazy in a few weeks..

Swimming becomes so much more enjoyable with these sites.

Who needs to snorkel when you get this swimming?

Just an amazing site every night!

The rest of the day includes an easy 45min run again around lunch time and then a pool swim this afternoon.  I am trying to get in the water twice a day where possible without over doing it.  I have found long sessions put a strain on my wrist, so small sessions often is very achievable both physically and mentally.

I am looking forward to getting stuck right in next week, however I am so glad the Andrew gives a week to settle in as without it, I would fry out there during training as the skin is not quite used to having constant sun on it.  Plenty of Sunscreen has been applied so far and you can pick me out as the guy who has come from winter with pasty white skin.

Lucky I have time to change that before everyone arrives!

For now... Breakfast time


Will Post again tonight.

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